Historical importance and symbolism
Historians assumed that yoga originated in the Indus Valley around 3300 BCE, with images resembling stretching and meditation poses that were found in Egypt that was claimed to have predated this period. The Kemetic term for the practice is "Smai Tawi", which means joining the hands of upper Kemet and lower Kemet, and is represented with the gods heru and Sebek tying ropes around the smai symbol, which depicts the spine and lungs. The symbol asserts the "use of breath as the life force opening the energy centers along the spine and brain that enlighten human consciousness."
The movements in the practice of Kemetic yoga are said to imitate the poses prescribed for attaining enlightenment, the highest spiritual level indicated by the neteru (Kemetic deities and nature spirits). The goal of the practice is said to be "attaining divine spiritual wisdom" which is represented by the symbol of the uraeus (upright Egyptian cobra) coming from the third eye of the pharaoh. As the pharaoh represented the leader of the two lands, the symbol can be interpreted as uniting two human entities, body-mind and soul-spirit, for mastering the life force through the practice of yoga.
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